TTCN-3 Bibliography

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Altena, E., van Rooyen, J., & Wolters, L. 2007, May 29–June 1, Towards a Keyword-Driven Specification Format using TestFrame. Unpublished paper presented at ETSI TTCN-3 User Conference 2007, Stockholm (Sweden). 
Added by: Deleted user (01/08/2008, 14:37)   Last edited by: Deleted user (20/08/2008, 12:17)
Resource type: Conference Paper
BibTeX citation key: Altenaa
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Categories: General
Creators: Altena, van Rooyen, Wolters
Publisher: Ericsson, ETSI (Stockholm (Sweden))
Collection: ETSI TTCN-3 User Conference 2007
Views: 41/2435
It is common for testers in the financial domain to take a more enduser oriented approach. This translates itself into higher abstract test specifications. For TTCN-3 appliance in this domain a higher abstraction level presentation format is needed. TestFrame provides the desired abstraction level via its keyword driven test specifications. A mapping of the two languages will increase the applicability and strength of both languages.

TestFrame is a method for structured testing. In TestFrame test analysis is separated from its technical implementation. The test analyst focuses on the logic of the test. What is to be tested is described in test conditions, test cases and short abbreviated terms called keywords. In the resulting test script the keywords can be reused with different data. The test automation specialist creates an implementation of each keyword in the chosen test tool, so the test script can be executed with this test tool. Through this approach TestFrame has become the de-facto industry standard in keyworddriven testing.

TestFrame Language
TestFrame test scripts are executed by translating them to tabdelimited text files written in their own language. TestFrame Language (TFL) consists of different language elements. Basic TFL features – like keywords and their variable data – make the language composition. Test conditions and test cases are structuring elements. TFL also supports variables, parameter commands, data transfer and flow-of-control constructs. Reusability is increased by the possibility to call other text files and create a new keyword for a collection of other keywords.

Integration advantages
TestFrame is an open standard that offers a higher abstract test specification that separates test logic from its technical implementation. TTCN-3 is an ETSI standard that offers a strong test specification language that is separated from system and platform implementation. The integration of TTCN-3 with TFL will enhance both TestFrame and TTCN-3 applicability as they will appeal to more types of testers from more domains. The easiness of use and the increased reusability via keywords combined with the strength and independence of TTCN-3 will increase tester’s productivity.

Keyword-driven specification format
TFL and TTCN-3 integration is possible when TFL becomes a presentation format for TTCN-3. Therefore both language elements and constructs need to be mapped on each other. In the ITEA project TT-Medal the authors have created a one-way mapping: from TFL to TTCN-3 core notation. For example, TFL text files are mapped on TTCN-3 modules and keywords become function calls in TTCN-3. A translator has been build to translate TestFrame test specifications to a TTCN-3 abstract test suite.

Further work
To create a two-directional keyword-driven test specification format for TTCN-3, a decision needs to be made on the remaining unmapped TTCN-3 language elements and constructs. They could be ignored or receive a TFL equivalent. Both approaches have their advantages
and disadvantages. Also the logging of TestFrame and TTCN-3 need to be mapped. A full integration would also need a higher abstract logging format which can be interpreted by testers with end-user knowledge.

This presentation introduces TestFrame’s keyword-driven test specification language. It will show the advantages of a keyworddriven test specification format for TTCN-3. The one-directional mapping of TFL on the TTCN-3 core notation will be explained and shown in a demonstration.

The presentation will be less technical and no specific domain knowledge is required. It intents to attract decision makers, researchers and test engineers.
Added by: Deleted user  Last edited by: Deleted user
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