TTCN-3 Bibliography

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Botteck, M., Deiß, T., & Willcock, C. 2005, June 6–8, Making TTCN-3 work! Issues and strategies for its use in product development. Unpublished paper presented at ETSI TTCN-3 User Conference 2005, Sophia Antipolis (France). 
Added by: Deleted user (25/07/2008, 14:43)   Last edited by: Deleted user (13/08/2008, 14:09)
Resource type: Conference Paper
BibTeX citation key: Bottecka
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Categories: General
Creators: Botteck, Deiß, Willcock
Publisher: ETSI (Sophia Antipolis (France))
Collection: ETSI TTCN-3 User Conference 2005
Views: 35/2236
Although TTCN-3 as a language for testing has been around for a number of years and there are commercial tools on the market that allow to integrate this technology into the product development process of commercial operations, there are still a variety of issues that surface when such integration is done.

This presentation shall outline some of these issues and address the current strategies to tackle them:

Many product development organisations have already made a considerable investment to formalise and automate their testing activities. Hence, there is often an enormous number of existing test cases. The introduction of TTCN-3 into these processes will therefore have to have a strategy for handling these legacy test cases. Another issue is that in many cases, it can be expected that the products to be tested will have a lot in common. The products might be developed in so called product families, where each individual product might only differ from the others by a very small amount. Another example for such a case is a protocol layer that comes with a conformance test suite and undergoes regular improvement releases; a product developer will however need to support various releases of such protocol in a range of products at the same time.

In addition to test cases, product development organisations have further invested into their processes and tools throughout the past years. They carry a considerable interest to retain as much as possible from these when introducing new tools and methods. Hence, it will be of vital importance that tools from several vendors interoperate. So far, the following tool chain has been developed: Test Case editor, Compiler, Runtime environment, Adapters, and Result Evaluator. Within the tool chain some interfaces have been identified for e.g. Test Execution Control and Logging but their standardisation has not been completed yet. This presentation attempts to visualise the interoperation within the tool chain and define the necessary interfaces. In particular, concepts for an interface that connects testing and modelling shall be outlined.

Initially, the TTCN language was conceived to test communication protocols. There is little known about attempts to deploy this technology for testing hardware. This presentation will introduce some fundamental challenges connected to this. It will also outline a path for further analysis and development.
Added by: Deleted user  Last edited by: Deleted user
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