TTCN-3 Bibliography

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Bock, W., & Kraas, A. 2005, June 6–8, A Domain-embracing System Test Tool for Siemens HiPath Solutions. Unpublished paper presented at ETSI TTCN-3 User Conference 2005, Sophia Antipolis (France). 
Added by: Deleted user (25/07/2008, 14:25)   Last edited by: Deleted user (13/08/2008, 14:05)
Resource type: Conference Paper
BibTeX citation key: Bocka
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Categories: General
Creators: Bock, Kraas
Publisher: ETSI (Sophia Antipolis (France))
Collection: ETSI TTCN-3 User Conference 2005
Views: 37/2448
In our presentation we want to talk about our practical experience in testing Computer-Telephone Integration (CTI) systems with the Testing and Test Control Notation – 3 (TTCN-3). The tested CTI system uses the Computer-supported Telecommunications Applications (CSTA) protocol to communicate with different kind of Private Branch Exchange’s (PBX). The CSTA protocol exists in two different kind of encoding variants. The first one is XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and the second one is ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation No.1). The main focus of our test developments was the XML variant from the CSTA protocol.

The major objects in our presentation are the used TTCN-3 test architecture, the use of parameterized templates and the necessary test functions for testing services and events of the CSTA protocol. One goal of this architecture was the combination of service testing and the verification of protocol parameters at the same time. Due to the fact that the CSTA protocol isn’t well defined, we had to use the total power of template matching, like value lists and ranges to verify different kind of parameters in the relevant Data Protocol Units (PDU).

Another goal was the use of a external hardware to simulate user interactions like dialling a number and going off hook with the hand set. Furthermore there was the ability to check the physical states of an telephone. For this kind of external test hardware we have used the procedure based communication mechanisms of TTCN-3.
Added by: Deleted user  Last edited by: Deleted user
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