TTCN-3 Bibliography

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Janker, G., & Tepelmann, D. 2006, May 31–June 2, MOST® goes TTCN-3: Putting two worlds together. Unpublished paper presented at ETSI TTCN-3 User Conference 2006, Berlin (Germany). 
Added by: Deleted user (04/07/2008, 16:10)   Last edited by: Deleted user (13/08/2008, 14:15)
Resource type: Conference Paper
BibTeX citation key: Janker
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Categories: General
Creators: Janker, Tepelmann
Publisher: Fraunhofer FOKUS, ETSI (Berlin (Germany))
Collection: ETSI TTCN-3 User Conference 2006
Views: 43/7679
MOST ® is a high modular and flexible standard for control, synchronous and asynchronous data transport in automotive multimedia systems. The MOST Cooperation joins almost all car manufacturers and their multimedia suppliers.

To assure quality and interoperability of MOST devices, a so called “Compliance Verification Process” has been introduced. This process has been started with definition of a compliance certification for Physical Layer components, went on over network core functionality and has now been released for Application (profile) behaviour testing.

RUETZ TECHNOLOGIES is a member of the MOST Compliance Technical Group (MCTG) since of its foundation. In 2005 RUETZ TECHNOLOGIES started a cooperation with Testing Technologies to develop a TTCN-3 Profile Compliance Tester for MOST bus devices.
TTCN-3 was chosen as the best alternative to fulfil the compliance testing process requirements as a well-known standardized test language providing all necessary features. This presentation discusses the skills of development of a TTCN-3 system adapter for MOST, the requirements of the automotive industry to usability, and concludes with the realisation of a suitable solution:

* A short Introduction to MOST architecture
* Mapping MOST functionality to TTCN-3 Ports
* Importing MOST XML-Function Catalogues to TTCN-3 Templates
* A typical MOST bus testing scenario
* Synergy with testing across MOST and other Bus standards like CAN, Flexray
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Intended audience: Automotive, Multimedia Bus Systems
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