TTCN-3 Bibliography

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Schieferdecker, I., & Grossmann, J. (2008). Testing hybrid control systems with TTCN-3: An overview on continuous TTCN-3. Software Tools for Technology Transfer  (STTT) 2008, 10(4), 383–400. 
Added by: Deleted user (08/08/2008, 14:03)   Last edited by: Deleted user (13/08/2008, 15:12)
Resource type: Journal Article
DOI: 10.1007/s10009-008-0081-2
BibTeX citation key: Schieferdecker2008
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Categories: General
Creators: Grossmann, Schieferdecker
Collection: Software Tools for Technology Transfer  (STTT) 2008
Views: 38/2248
TTCN-3 has gained increasing significance in recent years. It was originally developed to fit the needs of testing software-based applications and systems in the telecommunication industry and has shown its applicability to a wide range of other industrial domains in the mean time. TTCN-3 provides platform-independent, universal and powerful concepts to describe tests, especially for discrete, interactive systems. However, TTCN-3 addresses systems with discrete input and output characteristics only. The lack of powerful means that reasonably allow specifying and evaluating continuous data flow makes TTCN-3 sufficient neither for the automotive industry nor for other industries that deal with highly complex software-based control systems. This paper introduces the notion of streams, stream ports and stream templates to TTCN-3. It revises the initial design of continuous TTCN-3, a TTCN-3 extension for testing continuous or hybrid systems [20,21] and demonstrates the applicability for a case study that is typical for testing embedded control systems in the automotive industry.
Added by: Deleted user  Last edited by: Deleted user
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